
4 Expert Tips for A Clean Fridge in 2018

by | CLEANING TIPS, In the Kitchen | 0 comments

4 Expert Tips for A Clean Fridge in 2018

by | CLEANING TIPS, In the Kitchen | 0 comments

If you missed “National Clean Out Your Refrigerator Day” on November 15, January is a great month for getting the job done. Give your fridge a fresh start for the New Year then pack it with fresh fruits and vegetables.  Make a clean fridge your starting point for all other New Year’s resolutions.  Think how good you’ll feel after purging all those partially used condiments and sauces, that aging cheese that’s not supposed to be moldy, the mystery meat in the cold cut drawer, and the hard brown ball in the back of the produce drawer that used to be a lime.


Tips for a Clean Fridge

  • Think you don’t have time for this project? Real Simple Magazine offers a checklist on how to speed-clean the fridge in 20 minutes or less.
  • A New York Times article offers a list of supplies you’ll need for the clean-out.  The list includes trash bags; rubber or disposable gloves; cleaning solution; a Dobie pad; sponges, rags or paper towels; microfiber cloths and a cooler for perishables, which suggests their method takes quite a bit longer than 20 minutes.
  • Martha Stewart probably hasn’t cleaned out a fridge herself in decades, but she gives helpful advice on what you can do daily, weekly and seasonally, so that your fridge doesn’t become a hazmat nightmare.
  • Here’s a tip from us: If you aren’t the DIY type—or you’d rather be doing anything else but cleaning your refrigerator, call Clean & Simple Cleaning and let us handle the job for you, and throw in the rest of the house while you’re at it.